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Without any doubts, the IT industry is one of the highly volatile platforms in the world. But at the same time, it is also among the fastest growing industries. So, qualified professionals are always in great demand. If you are an IT professional, earning a certification marks a huge step towards cementing your status in the industry and improving your credibility in the long run. As they say, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a signal step, so it is for IT certifications.

毫无疑问,IT行业是世界上高度波动的平台之一。 但与此同时,它也是增长最快的行业之一。 因此,始终需要合格的专业人员。 如果您是IT专业人员,那么获得认证标志着朝着巩固您在行业中的地位并从长远来看提高您的信誉迈出了一大步。 正如他们所说,一千英里的旅程始于信号步骤,因此适用于IT认证。

Earning highly covetable credentials such as CCIEorMCSE demands hard work and great commitment. It all begins with the attainment of low-level certifications. To make the whole process a lot easier for you, has covered some of the best entry-level credentials to help you kickstart your IT career. So, if you are ready to explore the IT world, then here we go!

赢得像CCIEorMCSE这样令人信服的证书需要艰苦的工作和坚定的承诺。 这一切都始于获得低级认证。 为了使您的整个过程变得更加轻松, 涵盖了一些最佳的入门级凭据,可帮助您启动IT事业。 因此,如果您准备探索IT世界,那么我们就开始了!

1. Microsoft认证的Azure基础知识 (1. Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamentals)

With Azure speedily becoming one of the hottest prospects in the contemporary IT sphere, Microsoft deemed it fit to streamline its certification programs to adopt a role-focused approach. Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamentals certification is ideal for individuals looking to jumpstart their career in technology or those pondering over a change of specialty.

随着AzureSwift成为当代IT领域最热门的前景之一,Microsoft认为它适合简化其认证计划,以采用以角色为中心的方法。 Microsoft认证的Azure基础知识证书非常适合希望快速从事技术职业或正在考虑专业变更的人士。

This credential best suits individuals who are looking to authenticate their elementary knowledge of the Azure cloud services. This certification covers the entire scope of Azure basics to equip you with the relevant knowledge you will need when treading this path.

此凭据最适合希望验证其对Azure云服务的基本知识的个人。 该认证涵盖Azure基础知识的整个范围,以使您掌握在踏上这一道路时所需的相关知识。

To attain your certification, you will have to pass exam AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals. This is an 85-minute exam that tests your knowledge of a wide range of concepts related to Azure services. These include core Azure services, cloud concepts, security, compliance, privacy, and trust. Exam AZ-900 costs $99 and Microsoft highly recommends that you prepare adequately for the test before scheduling it. You can check out the training materials on the ExamSnap website before starting your preparation. On ExamSnap, you will find practice questions and answers along with the study guide.

为了获得认证,您必须通过考试AZ-900:Microsoft Azure基础知识。 这是一个85分钟的考试,测试您对与Azure服务相关的各种概念的知识。 其中包括核心Azure服务,云概念,安全性,合规性,隐私和信任。 考试AZ-900的价格为99美元,Microsoft强烈建议您在安排考试前做好充分的准备。 在开始准备之前,您可以在ExamSnap网站上查看培训材料。 在ExamSnap上,您将找到练习题和答案以及学习指南。

2.思科认证技术员(CCT)认证 (2. Cisco Certified Technician (CCT) Certification)

Attaining the CCT credential gives you an edge over the rest as it validates your skills to effectively carry out onsite support and maintenance ofCisco networking. That being said, CiscoCertified Technicians pride themselves on diagnosing, restoring, repairing, and replacing vital Cisco networking and system devices at the sites of their customers. These professionals work in collaboration with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC)to efficiently resolve support incidents.

获得CCT证书可让您在其他方面占优势,因为它可以验证您的技能,以有效地进行Cisco网络的现场支持和维护。 话虽如此,CiscoCertified技术人员对在客户现场诊断,恢复,维修和更换重要的Cisco网络和系统设备感到自豪。 这些专业人员与思科技术支持中心(TAC)合作,以有效解决支持事件。

Cisco provides two paths leading to the CCT certification, and you can settle for the most suitable option based on your career goals. The two paths are – Data Center, and Routing and Switching. Pursuing the CCT Data Center certification is a smart move if you are looking to support and maintain the Cisco integrated computing systems and servers. The CCT Routing and Switching certification, on the other hand, entails on-site support and maintenance of Cisco routers, operating environments, and switches. Exams for both CCT paths (010-151 DCTECH for Data Center and 640-692 RSTECH for Routing and Switching) will cost you $125 each.

思科提供了两种通往CCT认证的途径,您可以根据自己的职业目标选择最合适的选择。 这两个路径是–数据中心以及路由和交换。 如果您希望支持和​​维护Cisco集成计算系统和服务器,那么获得CCT数据中心认证是明智之举。 另一方面,CCT路由和交换认证要求对思科路由器,操作环境和交换机进行现场支持和维护。 两种CCT路径(数据中心的010-151 DCTECH和路由和交换的640-692 RSTECH)的考试费用均为$ 125。

3.思科认证网络工程师(CCNA)路由和交换证书 (3. Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)Routing & Switching Certification)

A successful networking career begins with the CCNARouting and Switching certification. The roles of the core network engineer are constantly evolving and this makes it only necessary to pursue credentials that will keep you relevant in the IT sphere.

成功的网络职业始于CCNARouting and Switching认证。 核心网络工程师的角色在不断发展,这使得只需要寻求使您在IT领域中保持重要地位的凭据即可。

It might be only an entry-level credential, but earning the CCNA Routing and Switching certification is more than just a way of acquiring the knowledge of foundational technologies. It maintains your credibility in the IT sphere and helps you adopt new technologies quickly. To attain your certification, you can either take one composite exam 200-125 CCNA ($325) or two separate exams 100-105 ICND1and 200-105ICND2 ($165 each).

它可能只是入门级的凭证,但是获得CCNA路由和交换认证不仅是获取基础技术知识的一种方式。 它可以保持您在IT领域的信誉,并帮助您快速采用新技术。 要获得认证,您可以参加200-125 CCNA的一项综合考试(325美元),也可以参加100-105 ICND1和200-105ICND2的两项单独考试(每次165美元)。

4. CompTIA ITF + (4. CompTIA ITF+)

The CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ (ITF+) best suits motivated individuals looking to kickstart their careers in the IT industry or those yearning for switching career paths. The associated exam FC0-U61 is aimed at authenticating your foundational IT knowledge and giving you an overview of what the IT sphere actually looks like. You can also pass the previous version of the exam, FC0-U51.

CompTIA IT基础知识+(ITF +)最适合那些希望在IT行业中开始事业或渴望转行的人。 关联的考试FC0-U61旨在验证您的基础IT知识,并为您概述IT领域的实际状况。 您还可以通过考试的早期版本FC0-U51。

The CompTIA ITF+ certification exam covers a wide range of concepts such as networks, IT concepts and terminology, infrastructure, security, applications and software, computing, software development, and database fundamentals. ITF+ cannot serve as a prerequisite for other CompTIA credentials, but this certification offers the perfect starting point if you are looking to tread the CompTIA certification path. The exam fee is $119.

CompTIA ITF +认证考试涵盖了广泛的概念,例如网络,IT概念和术语,基础结构,安全性,应用程序和软件,计算,软件开发和数据库基础知识。 ITF +不能作为其他CompTIA凭据的先决条件,但是如果您希望遵循CompTIA认证路径,则此证书可以为您提供完美的起点。 考试费用为$ 119。

5. CompTIA A +认证 (5. CompTIA A+ Certification)

The CompTIA A+ credential is the industry standard for building a career in the IT platform. Earning it qualifies you to serve in various IT operational and technical support roles such as field service technician, support specialist, help desk support, and desktop support analyst.

CompTIA A +凭据是在IT平台上发展职业的行业标准。 有了它,您就有资格担任各种IT运营和技术支持职位,例如现场服务技术人员,支持专家,帮助台支持和桌面支持分析师。

Obtaining this certification depicts you as an individual who can troubleshoot and solve varied problems with mobile devices, security, operating systems, and networking. The CompTIA A+ certification is focused on nine major IT skills. These include hardware, windows operating systems, software troubleshooting, networking, hardware, network troubleshooting, security, mobile devices, operational procedures, and operating system technologies. To attain your certification, you will have to pass either 220-901 and 220-902 or 220-1001 and 220-1002 tests. Regardless of what option you choose you will have to pay $219 per exam.

获得此认证可将您描述为可以对移动设备,安全性,操作系统和网络进行各种故障排除和解决的个人。 CompTIA A +认证专注于九种主要的IT技能。 其中包括硬件,Windows操作系统,软件故障排除,网络,硬件,网络故障排除,安全性,移动设备,操作过程和操作系统技术。 为了获得认证,您必须通过220-901和220-902或220-1001和220-1002测试。 无论选择哪种选择,您每次考试都必须支付219美元。

6.苹果认证助理(ACA)认证 (6. Apple Certified Associate (ACA) Certification)

Apple certifications are an invaluable addition to your resume which hiring managers will never fail to recognize. The Apple Certified Associate – Mac Integration is designed for resellers, IT professionals, consultants, and system integrators looking to sell or integrate Mac computers into a Windows environment.

Apple认证是您简历中的宝贵补充,招聘经理将永远不会认错。 苹果认证员工-Mac集成专为希望将Mac计算机销售或集成到Windows环境中的转售商,IT专业人员,顾问和系统集成商而设计。

In a nutshell, this certification authenticates your skills to integrate a Mac within a Windows-based network. To attain your certification, you will have to pass the Mac Integration Basics exam. This is a computer-based test that can be taken from any location with broadband, cable, or DSL connection. The fee for this test is $65.

简而言之,该认证可证明您将Mac集成到基于Windows的网络中的技能。 要获得认证,您必须通过Mac Integration Basics考试。 这是一项基于计算机的测试,可以从具有宽带,电缆或DSL连接的任何位置进行。 这项测试的费用为65美元。

7. PMI认证的项目管理助理(CAPM)认证 (7. PMI Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) Certification)

Over the years, the Project Management Institute has built an unparalleled reputation as one of the leading providers of top certifications. And one of its highly sought-after credentials is the entry-level Certified Associate in Project Management certification.

多年来,项目管理协会作为顶级认证的领先提供商之一,已建立了无与伦比的声誉。 其备受追捧的证书之一是项目管理认证中的入门级认证助理。

It’s beyond doubt that many organizations worldwide require their employees to have project management skills to supervise technical projects. To get your CAPM, you will have to possess a secondary degree and have 1,500 hours of experience in projects or complete a minimum of 23 hours of project management education before taking your exam. The exam fee is $225 for members and $300 for non-members.

毫无疑问,全球许多组织都要求其员工具有项目管理技能来监督技术项目。 要获得CAPM,您必须具有中学学位,并在项目中拥有1,500个小时的经验,或者在参加考试之前至少完成23个小时的项目管理教育。 会员的考试费用为225美元,非会员的考试费用为300美元。

最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

With such a variety of great entry-level certifications, there could be no better time to kickstart your career in the IT platform. Take the initiative today and choose a path that aligns with your career to bring your goals to fruition. With reliable websites such as ExamSnap, readily available to help you prepare for youth certification exams in the best way, what exactly are you waiting for?

拥有如此众多的入门级认证,再没有比现在更好的时间来启动您在IT平台上的职业了。 立即采取行动,选择与您的职业相适应的道路,以实现您的目标。 借助可靠的网站(例如ExamSnap),这些网站随时可以帮助您以最佳方式准备青年认证考试,您还等什么呢?



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